Your Mediation Lawyer in Sherwood Park
Almost all conflicts arise from miscommunication and can result in you not seeing all the available options. Mediation is a powerful tool that can help make your divorce and separation a better experience. A mediator can help you both sit down and have a conversation with each other so that each of you can understand, feel understood, and find common ground. Reach out to The Art & Science of Dispute Resolution to hire a trained mediation lawyer in Sherwood Park and surrounding areas to get your conversations to move in the right direction.
Mediator Vs Arbitrator
Many people confuse the roles of a mediator and an arbitrator. Both mediators and arbitrators are impartial third parties who get involved for dispute resolution between two parties. While the role of a mediator is not to give solutions/express opinions or make decisions for the parties (although some feel it is their place to do so), the step an arbitrator takes is to make the final decision when neither of the parties can reach a mutual agreement. The mediator should only help you to make your own decisions – not make decisions for you. An arbitrator works with the facts that each party can prove, and arrives at an impartial conclusion after mediation has not found a solution.
A mediator is there to clarify your points of view and your understanding of the other person’s point of view to correct any miscommunication and help you find your own solutions. Karim Mawani is trained in Interest Based Negotiations (IBN) and mediation by the faculty at the Harvard Law School. He focuses on creating solutions to be discussed rather than decisions that need to be attacked or defended. Call him today to discuss your situation.

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